Poludeli od lepote / Went Mad From Beauty
Nedavno sam završila strip i to je super. Poludeli od lepote - tako se zove. Priča je ljubavna i izuzetno svemirska, avanturističko-futuristička :-) Ovde prikazujem samo jedan kadar, što je ujedno i moj odgovor na ovonedeljnu Illustration Friday temu, a kompletan strip pročitajte na strani sa stripovima, upravo sam ga tamo objavila. I kad smo već kod objavljivanja, ovaj će strip svoj dom naći i u nekoliko štampanih izdanja, najpre kod nas, a zatim u Brazilu i Hrvatskoj. A do tada možete ga videti u Srećnoj Galeriji Studentskog kulturnog centra u Beogradu (kao deo postavke nagrađenih radova 7. međunardnog Salona stripa - izložba traje do 23. oktobra) ili na FIQ (Festival Internacional de Quadrinhos) međunarodnom Fesivalu stripa u Belo Horizonteu u Brazilu, ako vam je bliže :-)

I've finished a new comic recently and I really feel great about it! Went Mad From Beauty - that's how I named it. It's a space love story, adventurous and futuristic :-) The scene shown here is just a detail, and also my answer to this week's Illustration Friday theme. You can find the complete story at the comics page of my web site, and read it as well using the translation which is provided here. And I'm happy to announce that this comic is going to be published in a several printed editions in Serbia, Croatia and Brazil. But until then you can see it at Happy Gallery of Student Cultural Center in Belgrade (as a part of the exhibition of awarded works from the 7th International Comics Showroom) or at International Festival of Comics (Festival Internacional de Quadrinhos) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

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