
I've been asked recently to make a piece for a very unusual publication - an illustrated linguistic map of German expressions which are commonly used in Serbian language. The name of this book is Rajsfešlus (originally Reißverschluss, which means zipper) and it contains about 30 expressions illustrated by artists from Serbia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia. There you'll find such words like špajz (der Speisekammer/a pantry), frajla (die Frau/a lady), štrudla (der Strudel/a sort of cake)...I've got the word maskenbal (der Maskenball/masked ball) and here's how it turned out :-) (click on the picture to see details)

Oh, and Rajsfešlus has just came out from the press! Promotion with an exhibition will be held very soon in Elektrika gallery. Thanks a lot to Vladimir Palibrk who initiated the project and edited this uncommon book :-)

This illustration is also my entry for Illustration Friday theme -parade. Technique: Pen, ink, gouache on pastel paper, digitally colored.

Pre par meseci imala sam zadovoljstvo da, sa još tridesetak umetnika iz Srbije, Austrije, Hrvatske, Slovenije i Makedonije, učestvujem u nastajanju jedne veoma neobične knjige. Reč je o Rajsfešlusu, ilustrovanoj lingvističkoj mapi nemačkih izraza odomaćenih u našem svakodnevnom jeziku. Umetnici su tako na ilustrovanje dobili razne zanimljive reči kao što su: špajz, frajla, štrudla, štikla, knedla, kibicfenster...Ja sam dobila - maskenbal! I evo, kako je ispao :-)
(klik na sliku za detaljniji prikaz)

Inače, Rajsfešlus je pre neki dan izašao iz štampe, a promocija sa izložbom očekuje se vrlo uskoro u galeriji Elektrika u Pančevu. Puno hvala Vladimiru Palibrku, inicijatoru i uredniku ovog nesvakidašnjeg izdanja :-)

Ova ilustracija je ujedno i moj odgovor na ovonedeljnu Illustration Friday temu. Tehnika: tuš, pero, gvaš na pastel papiru, digitalno kolorisano.

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