Ilustracije za Politikin Zabavnik / Illustrations for Politikin Zabavnik

Evo nekoliko friških ilustracija rađenih za Politikin Zabavnik! Još nisam videla kako izgledaju odštampane (pošto broj izlazi sutra), ali verujem da su se lepo uklopile uz tekst...Inače, jako inspirativan zadatak je ovo bio, plus sjajna prilika da se pozabavim nekim novim teksturama i kolorističkim rešenjima...

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Here are some freshly done illustrations for the newest issue of Politikin Zabavnik (more about magazine here).
I still haven't seen them printed, but I believe that they turned out fine...Anyway, this was very inspiring assignment to do, plus a great chance to play around with some new textures and colors...

(click on the picture to see details)

Birthdays! / Rođendani!
Many people celebrate birthdays today. Best wishes to all of them, especially to some :-) Donald Duck also celebrates! It is exactly 75 years since his first appearance in The Wise Little Hen. Here's an illustration I did for an exhibition dedicated to Carl Barks, the most famous artist who drew Donald and other Disney's ducks. The exhibition was held in Galleria Libreria dell'Arco in Genova, Italy. It was conceived by gallery director Ružica Babić to whom I give my thanks. Mora about the exhibition here.

(click on the picture to see details)

Puno ljudi danas slavi rođendan i srećan im svima, nekima naročito :-) A rođendan, sedamdeset peti, slavi i Paja Patak. Tačno toliko je prošlo od kada se prvi put pojavio u crtanom filmu The Wise Little Hen.
Tim povodom evo jednog rada s kojim sam se nedavno predstavila na izložbi posvećenoj Karlu Barksu, najčuvenijem crtaču Paje Patka (i ostalih Diznijevih pataka). Izložba se održala krajem marta, u Galeriji dell Arco, u Đenovi. Izložbu je osmislila i selekciju napravila urednica galerije Ružica Babić, kojoj se ovom prilikom zahvaljujem. Više o izložbi ovde.

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